
Showing posts from April, 2021

Srilanka - “The Pearl of Indian Ocean”

  (Good day to you) In Ramayana, Ravana was the King of Lanka also called Lankeshwar. It was believed that Ravana had a palace made of gold and had a Flying Chariot which could carry infinite number of people with it. All of this looked so magical ,Which   made me curious to visit Srilanka and to see if any of this was for real. Srilanka is a beautiful country as it is surrounded with water and is country surrounded with Flora & Fauna. Ceylon name was given to Sri Lanka by British. After  independence to give Ceylon the identity of native individuals , it was named as Sri Lanka.   Sri Lanka is an island country in South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean southwest of the Bay of Bengal and southeast of the Arabian Sea. Sri Lanka is known as, Pearl of the Indian Ocean is given to this small island nation probably due to its incredible natural beauty, extraordinary biodiversity as well as its precious gemstones. Besides, the island has a tear drop shape and is off the coast of India,